MASKS ARE ANNOYING, BUT COVID IS WORSE, it is essential to keep them on flights departing from Miami International

• Muy pocas veces incluimos artículos traducidos al inglés, solo cuando lectores así nos los solicitan, y este fue el caso de este que publicamos ayer y hemos recibido solicitud para compartirlo en inglés, así complacemos a nuestros lectores.

• Very rarely do we include articles translated into English, only when readers request them, and this was the case of this one that we published yesterday and we have received a request to share it in English, so we please our readers.

MIAMI JULY 2nd  2022,— When the face masks mandate in the country is gradually ending, there is an area that must remain the use of masks, passenger planes.

We know that it is annoying to keep your nose and mouth covered during a trip of one, two or three hours, but it would be more if we get any disease especially COVID.

Airlines, including Delta, American, United, Southwest etc, in addition to cargo carriers and the industrial group Airlines for America, are calling for an end to both the mask mandate on public transport and the pre-trip test requirement for international arrivals to the United States and that is dangerous.

Two important things that should not be eliminated when a person boards a plane, masks and vaccination tests.

Many disputes over masks have escalated into fights on some flights, and flight attendants have faced unprecedented levels of aggression in trying to enforce federal rule.

The nation’s largest flight attendant union, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, has not sided with lifting the mask mandate, saying it has members on both sides of the issue. Southwest Airlines’ flight attendants’ union has called for an end to the mandate.

It’s understandable that many in the travel industry are eager to make it as easy as possible to get more travelers moving after two crippling years of the pandemic, but we must first understand the consequences those freedoms may have.

In recent days we have seen COVID cases in the United States rise after nearly two months of declines, and health officials are keeping an eye on the BA.2 Omicron variant.

Jueza de EE.UU. anula el uso de mascarillas en avión - Es diferente

At this time, all travelers heading to the United States, regardless of citizenship or vaccination status, must have a negative test result performed within the day prior to departure. Removing that requirement is dangerous at this time when cases are increasing across the country, because if I ride on a plane, I wouldn’t want someone with a simple cold to sit next to me.

We believe that those who have to do with this matter should continue to require the use of masks at least on flights departing from our Miami International Airport the most immediate correct step that could be taken for fully vaccinated travelers.