MIAMI AUGUST 28, 2020, —When Miami Dade County called construction companies to tender on a five years, $50 million contract to do work at Miami International Airport, the project was identified MCC9, that happened on November 5, 2019.

Within a few weeks, 8 construction companies submitted their documents for the so-called tender, the date taken on December 20, 2019, for the submission of their documents.

As of January 14, 2020, the 8 proposals were submitted to the county to begin the process on the MCC9 project, like all things in the county, it took the 5-member, four-month committee to hold its final meeting, evaluate and “rank” the companies.

And as they say in the awards awards:

And the winner is: Suffolk-NV2A JV reaching 462 points, according to documents obtained from the committee and by requesting public records pursuant to Article I, Section 24 of the Florida Constitution Chapter 119.

The list of others went like this:

• 1st: Suffolk – NV2A JV 462 points
• 2nd: MCM 457 points
• 3rd: Lemartec 447 points
• 4th: Turner Construction 446 points
• 5th: Whiting Turner 441 points
• 6th: Thornton Construction 433 points
• 7th: CES Construction 424 points
• 8th: Núñez Construction 422 points

According to public records, “The Selection Committee voted unanimously to immediately begin negotiations for winner Suffolk-NV2A.

However, the company that came second MCM that scored 5 points less did the tale of the ball owner and the bat, “if I’m losing in the game, I take the ball and bat”, presenting a protest against the winning company, and claiming that they should be given the MCC9 project.

According to county sources, MCM company is the same as last week the FIGG company accused of being the real culprits of the FIU bridge collapse last 2018 where 6 people died, FIGG filed a lawsuit based on Munilla Construction Management damaging the partially mounted structure by rolling the bridge sections in the final position above the road.

In addition, according to FIGG, MCM did not correctly follow design instructions on a key connection in the unusual concrete lattice structure. When cracks appeared in the structure in the days leading up to the collapse, according to FIGG, MCM did not communicate its dimensions or seriousness to the engineering company, whose staff was not present in the workplace.

Our sources in the county told us that the delay in negotiating with suffolk-NV2A is due to the Munilla family’s connections between Miami Dade commissioners, this recently the journalist Roberto Rodríguez Tejera at Actualidad 1020 denounced it as “friendism” and called for the work of this contract to be resolved.

“If they don’t give the contract to the real winners, why make tenders, give it to the friends of the commissioners and it’s over,” Rodriguez Tejera said that day.

And we here in agree on those statements by journalist Rodríguez Tejera.

According to our source in the county, “filing a protest is part of the process,” he told us, however, this does not mean that this is fine, because rather that modality what it does is delay the projects in the county.

We will be contacting some commissioners to ask questions, if a tender was held and it was won by a particular company, why is this company not awarded the contract?

And if there’s a protest, why doesn’t the determination about who’s right get so long?

For all these reasons is that the people always question the work of our commissioners.